Maybelline, aka Mabel, is our resident horse who truly is a beauty! She has never been ridden and was used as a broodmare.
Lainey is a Scottish Highland Cow! She is what many call a FUZZY cow who loves scratches under her chin! Dutton is our steer who is 1/2 Highland Cow, 1/2 Highpark Cow.
Meet Buttercup! Buttercup is our mini mare who gets fat off of air, LOL. She loves attention and of course treats!
Nova came to our farm from the Harnett County Animal Shelter as a rescue. She is 31 years old, has multiple health issues, and is blind in one eye. We are excited to have Nova here on the farm to enjoy being spoiled!
Shiloh is our miniature donkey and is a total love bug! She is the sweetest and loves hugs and treats!
We have a whole herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats that love attention! Clarabelle, Scout, Hank, Atticus, Cheyenne, Laramie, and of course Bo & Luke!
Welcome Jersey to our farm! Jersey is a "hair" sheep, which means that she sheds her wool and does not need to be sheared! Jersey was bottle fed as a baby and LOVES attention!
Meet Nibbles (black) and Peanut (brown)! Peanut and Nibbles are New Zealand rabbits and love to dig burrows! Honey is our BIG rabbit, she is a Flemish Giant!
We love our Silkie Chickens! They all are full of beautiful feathers and personalities!